Heart Clearing
Our hearts and energetic hearts are an incredibly powerful and intelligent aspect of our being. Through clearing any blockages that exist within and around our hearts, we can provide an opening to a more empowered and expansive way of being.
A Heart Clearing is a comprehensive clearing around anything that is blocking your heart from being as free and expansive as you want it to be. I have a wide approach to look into what could be contributing to your heart not being as free and open as possible.
Included in this clearing is a Heart Wall Clearing. A Heart Wall is a theoretical wall of trapped emotions around our heart. A Heart Wall develops over time as a way to protect ourselves. It is a way that our subconscious mind tries to take care of us when we encounter challenging situations. However, over time this wall of emotions, tends to no longer serve us and keeps us stuck in old patterns and ways of being.
These sessions are done remotely within a 48 hour period after you sign up. These are done WITHOUT any face to face contact. Notes are emailed after the session is completed. I will clear as much as you can release in one session, but this does not guarantee that it will be fully rebalanced with only one treatment. Some issues take many treatments to clear. Like layers of an onion, we will continue to release what is no longer serving you until you find the balance you are wanting. It is necessary that I receive permission from the person signed up for the session in order to complete the work. Parents or caregivers can sign up their children who are under 18 years of age without permission or older adults who you are the primary caregiver for.